The garden giant or wine cap mushroom has a beautiful burgundy colored cap when young, and can grow to enormous sizes. This mushroom grows very well outdoors in veggie gardens and mushroom beds. All the wine cap mushroom needs is straw/sawdust, water, and time to produce an amazing amount of mushrooms. The wine cap mushroom can also be cultivated indoors, and will produce larger yields when cased with a pasteurized peat or compost soil layer.
Fruiting Substrates:
-Masters Mix (50/50 hardwood sawdust & soybean hulls)
-Hardwood chips or sawdust
-Wheat straw
-Agricultural waste
Colonizing Temperature:
65 to 78 F
Fruiting Temperature:
60 to 70 F
Fruiting Humidity:
90 to 95%
Air Exchanges:
4 to 8 per hour